Thursday, June 04, 2009

I appreciate....

After a little gyaan from a senior colleague whose trite but meaningful ‘appreciate and be thankful for what you got rather than whining for what you don’t’ advice, I decided to really appreciate what I got. As clichéd as it might sound, the feeling is capable of generating some good vibes, I found out.

So I decided to jot down a little of list of things that I immediately need to appreciate:

• My very existence and the plain fact that I’m physically able and mentally sane (!)
• My sarcasm…!
• My very few but abundantly loving friends
• Mom’s dosas - It amazes me how she batters up using different flours in varying consistencies for dosas ranging from crisp to soft ones
• The Internet for having made the world accessible at the expense of a few keyboard taps
• Free online music and movies
• The internet radio that I discovered recently that is super cool and plays all the latest tracks
• Of course my job

PS: But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t just appreciate the Chennai weather. It remains just as oppressive!

1 comment:

Shamrez Zack said...

Is that all dude???

Dont you think that there are more people/things that u should appreciate???

At least the senior collegue who gave you this "trite but meaningful ‘appreciate and be thankful for what you got rather than whining for what you don’t’ advice"... ??? :)